ハンドメイドEXPO ミニ in てんしば無事終わりました!

ハンドメイドEXPO ミニ in てんしば無事終わりました!

Hola! 陶芸TocotonのRyoです。

大阪は突然桜が咲き始めて、一気に満開になり、昨日はとても清々しい天気でした。そんな素敵な天気の中、無事ハンドメイドEXPO ミニ in てんしばが終わりました。












次回は、4月24日 神戸・六甲のサザンモール六甲でマーケットをします。


Ha acabat la Handmade Expo Mini a Tenshiba!

Hola! Sóc en Ryo, de Tougei Tocoton.

Els cirerers han florit de cop i volta a Osaka i refresca. Ahir, amb aquest temps, la Handmade Expo Mini de Tenshiba va finalitzar amb èxit.

Hi havia molta gent, i els cireres del parc estaven en plena floració. En el centre de Tenshiba, el parc, hi ha un gran camp d’herba on s’hi van reunir famílies, parelles i amics. 

Vam sortir de casa a les 8 del matí, i vam preparar la parada tot esperant que vingués molta gent.

Aquesta vegada vam enganxar pètals de flor de cirerer fets de paper per tota la carpa i la taula. 

Vam portar noves peces amb un disseny més europeu, allunyat de les formes i els colors de la ceràmica tradicional japonesa. Els plats de color blau van cridar molt l’atenció, que bé!

El dia anterior a les 10 de la nit vaig dissenyar el cartellet de “Segueix-nos a Instagram...”. Com vaig suar per acabar-lo a temps!

Els plats triangulars i els ovalats també van agradar. 

Hi havia una zona dedicada a la cultura japonesa, amb accessoris pel cabell i anells.

La gent que passava deia “Mira, són haniwa!” al veure les figuretes amb forma de persona. Ens vam alegrar molt d’escoltar-los parlar contents sobre les peces fetes per l’artesanna.

Per cert, les bosses que es veuen a la dreta de la segona fotografia estan fets per la mare de l’artesanna. Ens les va enviar per correu. La tel·la és de Catalunya, o sigui que són dissenys que no es veuen normalment al Japó. Els portarem al pròxim mercat, acosta’t a donar una ullada!

Moltes persones es van acostar a la parada i van comprar peces. Moltes gràcies!

L’artesanna també va explicar moltes coses en japonès (dialecte d’Osaka). Va ser molt entretingut!

El pròxim mercat serà el 24 d’abril en el Southern Mall Rokko, a Kobe.

Us hi esperem!


ENGLISH (translated with DeepL)

Handmade Expo Mini in Tensiba is over!

Hola! This is Ryo from Ceramics Tocoton.

The cherry blossoms suddenly started to bloom in Osaka and were in full bloom all at once, and the weather was very refreshing yesterday. In such beautiful weather, Handmade Expo Mini in Tenshiba was successfully finished.

There were so many people there that day.
And the cherry blossoms in the park are in full bloom!
In the centre of Tenshiba is a large expanse of lawn, where many families, couples and friends gathered in large numbers.

We set off at 8am and worked hard to prepare for the event, hoping for a large number of visitors.
We prepare silently, hoping for the best.
This time, L'artesanna and I were pasting handmade cherry blossom petals on the booth. Did you notice?

This time, we brought a lot of European design items with a new twist.
Many of these blue plates seemed to catch the eye.
Thank goodness!

The POP of "Follow us on Instagram..." was created by Ryo at around 10pm the day before.
Tears made after finishing design work.

The triangular plates and the curry dish also seemed to be very popular.
And the honeycomb and hairpins, which were secretly very popular.
This area is the Nipponica series. Yes, these works were influenced by Japanese culture.

People passing by said "Haniwa, onde!" We were very happy to hear the voices of the people who were very happy and pleased to have made this with L'artesanna.

The hairpins and rings were inspired by the hairpins, such as rice ball hairpins and bumpy hairpins! The interesting pieces are so interesting that you would think that they were interesting.
I tried my best to explain them to the people who came to the booth and approached me, but they all said...
The people seemed to be smiling at us, saying "Why there (laughs)".

By the way, the bag on the right side of the second photo is a one-of-a-kind bag handmade in Barcelona by L'artesanna's mother and sent to us.
The fabric is from Barcelona, Spain, so there were designs that you don't often see in Japan.
We'll be bringing them to the next market, if you're interested!

Many people approached us again and purchased our products.
Thank you very much.
L'artesanna also explained a lot of things in Japanese (Osaka dialect).
That was fun!!! We were talking about it.

The next market will be held on 24 April at Southern Mall Rokko, Kobe.
We hope to see you again!

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