Media coverage about 陶芸Tocoton.
■Shueisha Online.
26 Apr 2023 Published online!
Why are same-sex couples treated coldly in Japan simply because "one of them is a foreigner"? Financial disadvantage, visas, parental rights... The reality of the situation is far removed from the norm in the rest of the world.
Interviewed by Yumi Fukuda and published in Shueisha Online.
■Asahi Shimbun
Published in the morning edition (Osaka) of 14 Sept 2022

Also available on Asahi Shimbun Digital.
■Crowdfunding READYFOR
■reset món
Report in Catalan on Japan and the coronavirus with the collaboration of L'artesanna. From minute 8.06 onwards, you can see the ceramic pieces.
■n Channel
L'artesanna and Ryo were interviewed by n Channel, which runs Nakakaya Co.
They talk about why they started making ceramics, what they like about Japan and tell us a bit about their personal lives. You can watch it at the following link:
They also filmed the pottery workshop and one of the workshops they teach. If you want to see how it's done and would like to try it, have a look at this video.
■Diari de Terrassa (Terrassa Newspaper)
Article with a summary of Anna's life trajectory and presentation of the studio. The article is written in Catalan, you can read it by activating the translator in your browser.
■NHK World Workpedia Japan
Anna appeared in the 'Workpedia Japan' section of NHK World's 'Where we call home' programme. The corner focuses on foreigners who are doing their best to live in Japan. Please watch Anna as she pushes forward as a ceramic artist in in Ikuno Ward, Osaka City, while being loved by the people around her.
*'Workpedia Japan' starts at the end of the programme.
■Konnichiwa desde Japón. Podcast
Konnichiwa desde Japón ('Hello from Japan') is a podcast (in Spanish) exploring various aspects of Japanese culture, art and society. In this programme, you can hear about the history of the studio, our activities and our curiosity about Japanese ceramics and ceramics in general.
■Detrás de la Historia y los Libros. Podcast
Adrian Ibarra, host of this podcast on Japan, talks to us about Japanese ceramics and the workshops we run in the studio.